
Front-end Testing on Steroids

Stefano Magni at CityJS 2020

Writing tests is like using GIT: as soon as you gain a bit of experience you wonder how you could work before discovering it.

Why testing a front-end application is so hard? What are the main challenges you need to face? Why do the tests fail without a clear reason?
If you have ever wanted to test your front-end app, if you ever tried to test it, if you have ever hated a bunch of UI tests and removed them from your pipelines... Well, this talk is for you πŸ™Œ

I am going to show the challenges coming from automating user flows, checking everything worthwhile for the end-user, creating an ally that prevents you to add regressions, and why Cypress is an amazing tool for these purposes.

Cypress enforces you to respect a lot of testing best practices, guarantees a good developer experience, and allow you to forget a lot of bad testing habits.
And if you feel you are not ready for writing tests yet... I am going to show you what are the Cypress' features that could improve your everyday productivity, something you always care about 😊.

Stefano is a front-end developer, a Cypress ambassador, and an instructor. He’s passionate about testing, automation, and learning. He's developed every kind of UI: games, product configurators, drawing tools, highly responsive websites, and mobile apps. He loves creating quality products, good testing confidence, sharing his knowledge and working with passionate teams.
He's currently focused on React, TypeScript and all their ecosystems.
Stefano's working on a big ""UI Testing Best Practices"" project on GitHub and speak regularly at meetups and conferences.