
Securing eHealth and eGovernment with Java

Thodoris Bais at All The Talks 2020 - Security

The EU increases its cooperation on cyber defence to strengthen its resilience to cyber-attacks through the EU Cybersecurity Act and certification of products, services or applications. To be as well prepared as possible against hacker attacks or the distribution of “fake news”, fake documents and information. Like a One Trillion Amazon refund or fake tax returns. The IT industry may use this mechanism to certify products like connected vehicles, government services or smart medical devices. Due to its platform independence, Java plays an important role, especially in web, cloud or enterprise environments. This session introduces the DSS Framework and solutions based on it. DSS (Digital Signature Services) is a Java framework for the creation and validation of electronic signatures. DSS supports the creation and validation of interoperable and secure electronic signatures in accordance with European legislation, in particular the eIDAS Regulation, as well as IT standards like OASIS DSS. The framework may be used anywhere from embedded devices to desktop applications, like practice management software or services in the cloud wherever a JVM runs. It supports a variety of document formats like XML, PDF, Word, Plain Text or compressed archives, as well as various digital signatures, including XAdES, CAdES, PAdES or ASiC. DSS is used in many European countries for document exchange and security, e-health or e-government, with digital ID cards in more than a dozen countries across the European Economic Area. An overview of the DSS Framework is followed by a live demo, showing how different documents can be signed and their signature subsequently verified.

Thodoris Bais

Thodoris Bais & Werner Keil
Thodoris works as a Scrum Master for ABN Amro bank and contributes to the prosperity of the (software) community in several ways. He is the Founder & Leader of Utrecht Java User Group, which counts more than 2500 members and has hosted exceptional speakers (where among others, James Gosling and Uncle Bob). Besides, he helps new communities in making their first steps. Thodoris Bais serves the Expert Group of JSR-385 and helps developers to grow their career. Previously: 5 years of Software Engineering, 2 years as a Technical Author, Open-source Contributor.

Werner Keil is a Cloud Architect, Java EE, Microservice and Embedded expert for a security firm. Helping Global 500 Enterprises across industries and leading IT vendors.
He worked for nearly 30 years as IT Manager, PM, Coach, SW architect and consultant for Finance, Mobile, Media, Transport and Public sector.
Werner develops enterprise systems using Java, Java EE/Jakarta EE, Oracle, Microsoft or IBM technologies, JavaScript, Node, Angular, dynamic or functional languages.

Werner is Committer at Apache Foundation, Eclipse Foundation, Babel Language Champion, UOMo Project Lead and active member of the Java Community Process in JSRs like 344 (JSF 2.2), 354 (Money, also Maintenance Lead), 358/364 (, 360/361 (ME Embedded), 362 (Portlet 3), 363/385 (Unit-API, also Spec Lead), 365 (CDI 2), 366 (Java EE 8), 375 (Java EE Security), 380 (Bean Validation 2), 382 (Config), and was the only Self-employed Member of the Executive Committee for 9 years in a row till 2017. Werner is currently Committer representative in the Jakarta EE Specification Committee.