
Observability for Security and Audit

Mike Milner at All The Talks 2020 - Security

When organizations are moving to the cloud, security is usually seen as an obstacle. Often the focus is on replicating the controls they have in their existing environments. However shifting to a different mindset, the cloud actually enables new levels of visibility and new controls that weren’t possible before.

All the public clouds have capability to audit API calls to the cloud management layer. This gives in-depth visibility into every action taken in your account, making it easy to audit exactly what’s happening, investigate and search for known and unknown attacks, see who did what, and identify unusual behaviour.

In this talk, we’ll look at ways of extending this level of visibility to our own applications and APIs - using open source tools and new capabilities offered by the clouds for network mirroring, storage, and massive data handling - helping you build your own application audit system.

Mike Milner

Mike Milner is the Director of Application Security Technology at Trend Micro. He’s experienced the breadth of opportunities technology and data intelligence have created for business and government. Between fighting cybercrime for the Canadian government and working for security agencies overseas, Mike has developed a deep understanding of the global security landscape and how the underground economy dictates hacks and ultimately drives breaches. Ultimately, Mike is most fascinated by understanding all aspects of how technology interacts with society.