
Securing Containers by Breaking in

Simon Maple at DevSecCon24 2020

There’s no better way to understand container security than seeing some live hacking! This session introduces the state of docker security by reviewing vulnerabilities in docker images and their impact on applications, and demonstrates via hands-on live hacking. This session further provides the audience with security best practices when building docker container images, and each successful hack will help you better understand the mistakes you can make, their implications, and how you can avoid them.

Simon Maple

Simon Maple is the VP, Developer Relations and Community at Snyk, a Java Champion since 2014, JavaOne Rockstar speaker in 2014 and 2017, Duke’s Choice award winner, Virtual JUG founder and organiser, and London Java Community co-leader. He is an experienced speaker, having presented at JavaOne, JavaZone, Jfokus, DevoxxUK, DevoxxFR, JavaLand, JMaghreb and many more including many JUG tours. His passion is around user groups and communities. When not traveling, Simon enjoys spending quality time with his family, cooking and eating great food.