
Modern Dynamic Application Security Testing

Scott Gerlach at DevSecCon24 2020

Dynamic Application Security Testing has developed a bad rap. Application Security as a whole has struggled to keep up with the shifts in modern software delivery, and that is especially true for dynamic application scanning. However, the ability to run security tests against a running version of the application is one of the best ways to ensure you are finding and fixing the security bugs that attackers may be able to exploit. There is a new way to run security tests against your app that works with new development paradigms - REST API, HTTP and GraphQL backing, authentication requirements, and running in pipeline. Join StackHawk Co-Founder and Chief Security Officer Scott Gerlach to learn more about how application security can truly be developer-first and the latest in dynamic security testing.

Scott Gerlach

Scott Gerlach is Co-founder and Chief Security Officer at StackHawk, a Denver-based startup focused on empowering engineers to easily identify and remediate security bugs. Scott brings over two decades of security and engineering experience to his current role, having served as CSO, CISO, and in other executive leadership functions at companies like SendGrid, Twilio, and GoDaddy. When he’s not at work, you’ll find Scott spending time with family, brewing beer, and playing guitar.