
Retro Video Game Reverse Engineering

@StumpSpeedruns, @Theyflower at BSides Delaware 2019

This talk will go over some results of reverse engineering certain retro video game software and hardware and what we can learn from the oversights of the past, as made on such constrained systems. On the software side we will look at how the speedrunning community was able to reverse engineer early generation Pokémon games and leverage vulnerabilities in them to create routes to quickly beat the game in otherwise impossible times, as well as practical usage of exploits on slightly newer systems simply as the way certain things are done. On the hardware side we will demonstrate an Arduino program that reads and writes savefiles to Game Boy cartridges by bit-banging the Nintendo 64 controller protocol and a way to use virtually any USB input device to control an Atari 2600 by using a Raspberry Pi running open source scripts to emulate a joystick using the GPIO pins.

@Theyflower and @StumpSpeedruns