
Look What You MIDI Me Do!

Rachel White at JSConf Hawaii 2020

Who loves pushing buttons? You? And you over there? And the person behind you? Oh wait, everyone loves it?!!? Of course they do, a button is irresistible. Now… what if I told you that you could hook up a LOT of buttons to your computer… and use it to do wild things with the web?

I’m glad you’re listening! Let’s take a journey into the Web MIDI api where the possibilities of the web aren’t just at your keyboard fingertips anymore, they’re literally any MIDI compatible controller you have connected! Want to make glitchy audio responsive visuals with WebGL shaders? Rad, we can do that. Want to create custom beats and have those input as a drum machine? No problem when you throw a little Web Audio API in the mix. Let’s dive in and find out how!