
JSConf Hawaii 2020


Your Tests Lack Vision: Adding Eyes to Your Automation Framework

Automation has come a long way in assisting with regression testing efforts. Teams worldwide are successfully running hundreds of functional regression tests at every check-in. While this provides a great source of confidence, critical regression ...

Angie Jones


Using Machine Learning to Improve UI/UX

The world of UI/UX is changing every month. It can be hard for developers to keep up with the newest trends and frameworks because of all the responsibilities they have. What if you could use machine learning to help you keep up with all of the ch...

Milecia McGregor


Designing Even Larger (JavaScript) Applications

Building frameworks is fun. And even if your project is using one of the awesome open-source frameworks, it might at some point reach the point where you need just a little bit more software infrastructure then you find on npm: Things may start wi...

Malte Ubl


The power to think like a Native Hawaiian in tech

Diversity, in both small and large tech companies, is now understood as a critical component to innovation. In the same way individual generalists are able to make connections across disciplines, members of a diverse team contribute perspectives t...

Taylor Ho


Parsing Parsers

Have you ever wondered how your code goes from being characters in a file to something that the computer can "understand" and do something with? A key part of this is the parser. In this talk, we’ll look at building a search query parser (all in J...

Jenna Zeigen


Strike a Pose: Gesture Recognition in JS with Machine Learning

Most of our interactions with technology aren’t really intuitive. We’ve had to adapt to it by learning to type, swipe, execute specific voice commands, etc… but what if we could train technology to adapt to us? Programming for hardware in JavaS...

Charlie Gerard


Machine Learning

Impactful Accessibility: The Changes that Mean the Most

The sad truth is that even companies that wish to have accessible websites often only dedicate the time and effort to create SOME accessibility. What they choose to make accessible is often based on what a handful of people, often abled bodied one...

Lindsey Dragun


Advanced Design System Considerations

"Design Systems" and component libraries are a popular solution for abstracting common UI elements and flows to be reusable across many applications.They allow you to spend more time on the details, and reduce the complexity of implementing consis...

Alex Sexton


TC39 Panel, Moderated by Cassidy Williams

TC39 is the international standards committee in charge of charting the future of JavaScript through the ECMAScript standard. In this panel, members of the committee join Cassidy Williams to answer questions sourced from the JSConf Hawaii audience...



How to Wait

Our story begins with a humble 'await fetch': your script fires off an HTTP request and settles down to nap, trusting that it'll be awoken when response data is available. While your program does nothing, a cascade of activity is now taking place:...

Max Goodhart


Custom Hooks in React: The Ultimate UI Abstraction Layer

Custom Hooks in React are useful for much more than just managing the local state and one-dimensional side-effects you see in almost every React Hooks example. They can be used to build sophisticated memoization pipelines and chained-effects th...

Tanner Linsley



Kill All Mutants! (Introduction to Mutation Testing)

How good are your tests? Would they still pass if the tested code was changed? If so, there may be problems with your code, your tests, or both! Mutation Testing helps reveal these cases.It makes lots of slightly altered versions, called "mutan...

Dave Aronson


React, Vue, and Svelte as Teen Movie Archetypes

Who's the jock? The nerd? The misfit? Who's the type A overachiever, or the moody artist, or the partier? Get to know each of these JavaScript frameworks through the hallowed medium of the teen comedy. In this talk, we'll dig into what makes th...

Leta Keane





The Asynchronous Enterprise

The one question I'm asked more than any other when talking about working at GitLab is: wait, you don't have any offices? That is often followed by a confused look or the direct question: How? Writing down decisions, asynchronous communication,...

Brendan O'Leary


The "Perfect" Tooling Library

So you have a great idea for the perfect JS library... but the implementation is only half the battle. You also need to configure infrastructure to develop, test, build and deploy your package. How do you set up Typescript and other static checkin...

Ben Ilegbodu


Digital Witchcraft: Magical Thinking for Digital Design

This session present several examples of magical thinking as a design methodology for technological innovations. Did you know that hackers and shamans have a lot in common? What does the practice of Santeria can teach us about digital security?...

Danae Valentina


A Seat at the Table: Building Inclusive Ecosystems

Inclusion doesn't just happen. It has to be intentionally and continuously cultivated. In this session, we'll discuss the ways we can all be responsible for building communities with an inclusion-first mindset. I'll describe my lessons learned and...

Erica Stanley


A Crash Course on Worker Threads

Node.js 10.5.0 introduced 'worker_threads', enabling the creation of simple multi-threaded applications in JavaScript. This may sound daunting if you've never dealt with threads before in another language. But JavaScript threads are pretty simple ...

Rich Trott


Progressive Rendering: Improve Performance on Slower Networks

Modern web applications have become increasingly costly in terms of size resulting in slower page load times in slower networks. Client Side Rendering (CSR) becomes a bottleneck in slower networks whereas Server Side Rendering (SSR) becomes a bott...

Dinesh Pandiyan


No Way, JOSE

Is your first thought when thinking about cryptography, “nope, that’s not for me!”? There’s no need to. When explained with simple examples, you can see the basics are not that complicated. The Javascript Object Signing and Encryption, or JOSE for...

Sam Bellen


The Art of Code Comments

Commenting code is a more nuanced thing than we give it credit for. There are a couple of schools of thought on this. One states that if you feel a comment is necessary, you should rewrite it to be more legible. This is true. But it's also not ...

Sarah Drasner


Look What You MIDI Me Do!

Who loves pushing buttons? You? And you over there? And the person behind you? Oh wait, everyone loves it?!!? Of course they do, a button is irresistible. Now… what if I told you that you could hook up a LOT of buttons to your computer… and use it...

Rachel White


Very Responsive Typography with Variable Fonts

Variable Fonts allow typography on the web to adapt to the flexible nature of screens, environments and devices. We can use variable fonts with pre-existing technologies to improve the performance, design, accessibility and usability of our web...

Mandy Michael
