
Developing Distributed Autonomy

Jennifer Carlston at EventSourcing 2020

Pluralsight uses a combination of methods to deliver data across our polyglot, domain driven system. We've learned a lot along the way and would love to share how we distribute responsibility, architect our system, and implement practices that deliver value. We think we've done a lot of things well and want to help other teams feel empowered to change their world for the better.

Jennifer currently works at Pluralsight as a Software Engineering Architect. Their mission is to democratize technology skills around the world. She oversees the coordination of development between two of Pluralsight's business units, which include over 20 different bounded contexts. She started out working summers at a small telecom company quality testing interfaces, writing documentation, and editing audio files. In college she worked for a technical analysis software company creating websites and managing educational content (think stock market analysis and education back in the wild west of the Internet). She's created real estate and financial engines and written many tools to process massive amounts of information working with people from all over the world. When she's not working she likes to explore, play and make with family and friends - outdoors, arduino, art, sculpture, and song.