
EventSourcing 2020



Udi Dahan is one of the world’s foremost experts on Service-Oriented Architecture and Domain-Driven Design and also the creator of NServiceBus, the most popular service bus for .NET.

Udi Dahan

Event Sourcing

Functional Event Sourcing

Distributed microservices, eventual consistency, billions of events ! Buzz words that attract but mainly repel many developers. Let's relax a bit an see how the Functional approach leads first to Domain code that is easily readable and highly t...

Jérémie Chassaing

Event Sourcing

Conflict Detection and Resolution in an EventSourced System

There are well established patterns for dealing with conflicting updates in traditional data stores (Relational, Key value) but how do you deal with conflicts when you have event streams? This talk will cover the existing patterns for conflict det...

James Geall

Event Sourcing

Projections Explained

With the rise in momentum and adoption of Command and Query Responsibility Segregation and Event Sourcing, so has the importance of projections. Yet, information on the role they play and what are useful approaches is spread thin. This talk is an ...

Yves Reynhout


Event Sourcing

Event Sourcing: Traceability, Consistency, Correctness

With a fresh banking license received from the Danish FSA in August 2019, Lunar is currently building a core banking platform from scratch. Which technologies and designs would you choose if faced with this challenge? Before answering these que...

Thomas Bøgh Fangel

Event Sourcing

Developing Distributed Autonomy

Pluralsight uses a combination of methods to deliver data across our polyglot, domain driven system. We've learned a lot along the way and would love to share how we distribute responsibility, architect our system, and implement practices that del...

Jennifer Carlston

Event Sourcing

Event Log Architectures: when quality matters

Many terms get thrown around when it comes to designing around a central log. You'll most likely will have heard of event sourcing, command sourcing, CQRS, event driven, etc. What about replicated state machines? This talk will explore architec...

Martin Thompson

Event Sourcing

Mistakes made adopting event sourcing (and how we recovered)

Over the last year or so we have been building a new system that has an event-sourced architecture. Event-sourcing is a good fit for our needs because the organisation wants to preserve an accurate history of information managed by the system and ...

Nat Pryce

Event Sourcing