
Spring Boot 2.0 Web Applications

Brian Clozel, Stéphane Nicoll at Spring I/O 2018

The new generation of Spring Boot applications is here! With Spring Boot 2.0, developers can use the new Spring WebFlux reactive web framework.

During this live coding session, Stéphane and Brian will create a WebFlux application and leverage Boot features such as Actuator, Developer Tools and more.

Spring Boot 2.0 comes with many improvements and new features - Spring WebFlux allows reactive web endpoints and new HTTP runtimes such as Netty. This comes into two variants: a familiar annotation based approach similar to MVC and a new functional variant called "WebFlux.fn".

With 2.0, the Spring team leverages WebFlux with the "convention over configuration" flavour that made Spring Boot so popular:

* auto-configuration of your web application
* customizing your app with configuration properties and callback-based interfaces
* Actuators and Developer Tools support
* leveraging the Spring ecosystem such as Spring Data and Spring Security

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