
Spring I/O 2018


Micrometer: New insights into your Spring Boot application

Micrometer is a new library written by the folks at Pivotal. It’s an instrumentation library for JVM-based application and it is the default instrumentation library for all kinds of metrics in a Spring Boot 2.0 application. An application can b...

Michael Simons



Bootiful Kotlin

Spring Boot, the convention-over-configuration centric framework from the Spring team at Pivotal, marries Spring’s flexibility with conventional, common sense defaults to make application development on the JVM not just fly, but pleasant! Spring B...

Josh Long, Sébastien Deleuze



Fun with the Functional Web Framework

At Spring I/O last year, we introduced the functional web framework as an alternative to the existing annotation-based MVC. This year, we follow up with a presentation where we go beyond the basics, and show more advanced features, including: *...

Arjen Poutsma



Spring Boot 2.0 Web Applications

The new generation of Spring Boot applications is here! With Spring Boot 2.0, developers can use the new Spring WebFlux reactive web framework. During this live coding session, Stéphane and Brian will create a WebFlux application and leverage B...

Stéphane Nicoll, Brian Clozel



Under the Hood of Reactive Data Access

A huge theme in Spring Framework 5.0 and its ecosystem projects is the native reactive support that empowers you to build end-to-end reactive applications. Reactive data access especially requires a reactive infrastructure. But how is this one dif...

Mark Paluch



Dynamic configuration management in microservice architecture with Spring Cloud

GitHub repos: These days it seems to be obvious for us to keep the configuration separately from code, but sometimes having properties/yml files with our code...

Bartłomiej Słota



KubeBoot - Spring Boot deployment on Kubernetes

Have you ever thought how to deploy Cloud Native Java Applications (Spring Boot) on Kubernetes? Kubernetes has now become a de-facto standard for deploying Cloud Native Applications, but still there is myth that they are not ready for Java workloa...

Alex Soto



Asynchronous programming with Kotlin coroutines in Spring

Coroutines is a new feature in Kotlin 1.1. It allows for writing an asynchronous code almost like it was regular/synchronous. If you combine it with Spring you'll get a powerful tool for creating fast, scalable, non-blocking applications. In th...

Konrad Kamiński



Next Generation OAuth Support with Spring Security 5

Spring Security 5.0 introduced new support for the OAuth 2.0 Authorization Framework and OpenID Connect 1.0. This talk will provide a detailed overview and demonstration of the new OAuth 2.0 Login feature, which provides an application with the...

Joe Grandja



Serverless Spring

Spring Cloud Function provides a servlerless programming model for Spring Boot applications, abstracting away all of the transport details and infrastructure, allowing you to keep all the familiar tools and processes, and focus firmly on busines...

Dave Syer



Time to graph up with Spring Data Neo4j

Spring Data's upcoming release train Lovelace will also include a new version of Spring Data Neo4j (SDN). A good time to show the advantages of using the convenient approach of Spring Data to work with connected data and introduce the technology t...

Gerrit Meier



Mastering Spring Boot's Actuator

Spring Boot's Actuator provides a powerful set of production-ready features that have been recently updated for Spring Boot 2.0. In this talk we'll look in detail at the Actuator, focusing on the new features including the new endpoint infrastruct...

Andy Wilkinson



Testing Your Message-Driven Application

So you end up with messaging and event-driven architecture. You also have heard about event sourcing and applied this principle in a few places in your code. Everything seems to be working perfectly, you are about to perform the first release ...

Jakub Pilimon



Implementing DDD with the Spring Ecosystem

Domain-Driven Design is currently a very popular way of implementing and looking at Microservices. This session aims at giving you a kickstart how to work on the implementation details of DDD in the Spring Ecosystem. We will take a look at how to ...

Michael Plöd



Flight of the Flux: A look at Reactor execution model

If you're familiar with the **Reactor** `Flux` API but have always wondered what exactly was happening at runtime, look no further! In this session, we'll observe various instances of the majestic `Flux` and `Mono` in their natural habitat, the J...

Simon Basle



Introducing Spring Session 2

GitHub: Spring Session’s goal is to help you with management of user's session in a consistent and application container neutral way. This includes support for clustered sessions backed by d...

Vedran Pavić



Making DevSecOps a reality in your Spring applications

The adoption of DevOps and Continuous Delivery provides tangible benefits such as higher quality, stability, and faster release cadence. One of the most important issues within this adoption is related to security quality tasks that have been trad...

Roberto Velasco



Bootiful CQRS and Event Sourcing with Axon Framework

Events are becoming increasingly important in modern architectures. Although CQRS and Event Sourcing are increasingly being adopted, the complexity of implementing it is often highly over-estimated. In this session, we will first briefly cover ...

Allard Buijze



Building and running Spring Cloud-based microservices on AWS ECS

Spring Cloud is a set of frameworks providing support for running microservices in what often is a cloud-based environment. Joris is currently an architect on a project that Trifork started this year that uses Spring Cloud's Netflix and Consul int...

Joris Kuipers



Making microservices micro with Istio Service Mesh & Kubernetes

Microservices are here to stay. When applied properly, microservices techniques and culture ultimately help us continuously improve business at a faster pace than traditional architecture. However, microservices architecture itself can be complex ...

Ray Tsang



Securing Spring applications with Hashicorp Vault

The talk will show how to secure application credentials, key material and certificates for Spring applications using Hashicorp vault and the excellent Spring Cloud Vault integration. I will show Vault authentication using tokens and application r...

Jan Dittberner



Spring Framework 5: Feature Highlights & Hidden Gems

A huge theme in Spring Framework 5.0 and its ecosystem projects is the native reactive support that empowers you to build end-to-end reactive applications. Reactive data access especially requires a reactive infrastructure. But how is this one dif...

Juergen Hoeller



From garage project to the No. 1 Taxi App in Europe

Our team has grown from 3 developers programming in a living room to more than 400 employees with over 100 developers around Europe to support more than a million network requests every minute - leading the European e-hailing market. In this talk,...

Tim Büthe, Alejandro Peña



Monitoring Spring Boot Applications with Spring Boot Admin

In this hands on session you learn how to easily monitor your Spring Boot applications with Spring Boot Admin. This talk covers the basic setup of Spring Boot Admin using the various options, as well as the things happening behind the scenes.

Johannes Edmeier



Just one more thing with Spring in IntelliJ IDEA

In this 100% live-coding session you’ll get first-hand guidance through the latest developments in the framework and its support in IntelliJ IDEA. We’ll explore some lesser known and powerful features as well as tricks for efficient development in...

Stéphane Nicoll, Yann Cébron



Spring I/O 2018 Keynote

Thinking back, looking forward

Juergen Hoeller, Madhura Bhave, Dave Syer, Brian Clozel



Continuous Deployment of Your Application

“I have stopped counting how many times I’ve done this from scratch” - was one of the responses to the tweet about starting the project called Spring Cloud Pipelines. Every company sets up a pipeline to take code from your source control, through ...

Marcin Grzejszczak



Documenting RESTful APIs with Spring REST Docs and RAML

Spring REST Docs is a great tool to produce documentation for your RESTful services that is accurate and readable. It offers support for AsciiDoc and Markdown. This is great for generating simple HTML-based documentation. But what if your RE...

Mathias Düsterhöft



REST beyond the obvious – API design for ever evolving systems

Most APIs built today are considered REST APIs these days, when in fact they merely exchange data via HTTP and JSON. At the same time, systems almost never act autonomously but rather live alongside others. In that context, being able to evolve an...

Oliver Gierke



(Spring) Kafka - one more arsenal in a distributed toolbox

Kafka is an open-source distributed commit log addressing low latency, high throughput, scalability, fault-tolerance, and disk-based retention. It can be used to build tracking systems, messaging systems, high performance streaming platforms, real...

Nakul Mishra



Machine Learning Exposed: The Fundamentals

In the age of quantum computing, computer chip implants and artificial intelligence, it’s easy to feel left behind. For example, the term "machine learning" is increasingly bandied about in corporate settings and cocktail parties, but what is it, ...

James Weaver



Reactor Netty, the default runtime for Spring Boot 2.0

Reactor Netty is a new runtime which aims to provide an asynchronous and non-blocking runtime that supports Reactive Streams backpressure for client or server needs over a range of protocols (UDP|TCP|HTTP). In this session the internal architec...

Violeta Georgieva



Welcome to JUnit 5

After more than a decade of waiting JUnit 5 is here! So beyond adding poop emojis to the names of my unit tests, what does JUnit 5 offer? This presentation will cover the new features coming in JUnit 5 and how to migrate your test suite to using t...

Billy Korando



Spring Cloud Stream: Developer Recipes, Tips and Tricks

Microservices architecture redefined the concept of a modern application as a set of independent, distributed and loosely-coupled services running in the cloud. However, developer experiences are often challenging and confusing for both the novice...

Oleg Zhurakousky



Spring Boot 2 in JHipster

JHipster is the leading Spring boot + Angular / React application generator, focusing on improving the developer productivity and scaffolding the latest technologies. JHipster with Spring boot2, lets kickstart a production ready application in min...

Sendil Kumar



What's New in Spring Boot 2.0

Spring Boot 2.0 introduces a host of new features and whole lot of behind the scenes changes. This talk will cover all the major improvements, show you how to migrate a Boot 1.5 application and discuss some of the smaller tweaks and utilities that...

Madhura Bhave



How to secure your Spring Apps with Keycloak

This talk will introduce Keycloak, an Open Source Identity and Access Management solution from Red Hat, which can help you to equip your applications with centralized authentication and authorization. Keycloak provides Single Sign-On based on w...

Thomas Darimont



Introducing Spring Cloud Gateway

What is an API Gateway and how can your microservices architecture benefit by using one? What are the types API Gateways? What characteristics define each type of API Gateway? Join Spring Cloud co-lead Spencer Gibb for discussion and demonstration...

Spencer Gibb



Observability with Spring-based distributed systems

Spring makes it easy to build and run applications quickly without boilerplate code. Once up and running though, you will want operational insight into the behavior of your system, beyond basic monitoring of system health. How can you best achieve...

Tommy Ludwig



Consumer driven contracts in a polyglot world

Have you ever been in the situation where your microservice stopped working, because one of the services it consumes changed? Or did you ever want to change a service but found it difficult to find out which consumers it has? We ran into these pro...

Riccardo Lippolis, Jeroen Bruinink

