
How to Be Sick With Success

Emily Pience at BSides Boston 2016

117 million people in the United States have at least one chronic illness, and In 2010 7 of the top 10 causes of death were chronic diseases. So it makes sense that a portion of our community suffers from at least one chronic illness: diabetes, a heart condition, depression, an autoimmunity disorder. We all know at least one person in InfoSec with one of these conditions.

Being a population of people on the front lines of data security, knowing not to trust “the man” is a given. But what happens when you need resources to take care of yourself? How much do you divulge? How much do you have to?

Based on my 10+ year career in medical and disability insurance, as well as my personal history of surviving through college and a career with severe Crohn’s Disease, I will explore the resources available to protect your job, while learning to advocate for yourself with your doctors, your insurance companies, and your employer.

Emily Pience is a 10+ year survivor of the Insurance industry, focusing mostly in disability and Medicare. She is a well-known "Crohnie" (Crohn's disease patient) for 15+ years, supporting peers through mentoring and annual speaking for the Crohn's and Colitis Foundation of America.
Deferring her entrance to grad school for Social Work in favor of having her colon removed, she is enjoying life from this side of the hospital walls.
She considers herself "InfoSec by Association".