
Everything I Need to Know About Security I Learned From Kung Fu Movies

Paul Asadoorian at BSides Boston 2017

Are you an aspiring or current security professional overwhelmed with how to get into and be successful in information security today? Kung Fu can help. Specifically, Kung Fu movies can help. Take it from me, a security professional and kung fu movie nerd, who is here to help. Whether you are a fan of Kung Fu movies or not, this will be an entertaining and informative look at various aspects of problems in computer security, and how the lessons learned from Kung Fu movies can help. We’ll discuss how to effectively learn about computer security, student and teacher dynamics, practical security tactics for defense and offense, and explore some of the political and social aspects of security. In the end, you’ll learn some tips and tricks to be more successful in breaking into the security field, being successful at your job as a defender, and better understand the politics of security. If that's not enough for you, this presentation requires audience interaction (no Kung Fu demonstrations will be performed, unless requested by the audience). (Insert signature “Whaaaaaaaaaaa” sound here) More detailed topics will include: Your teacher may be reluctant to teach you and how to overcome this challenge The consequences of taking shortcuts in your training There will always be adversaries more skilled than you and how to get over it The best defense is to have a good offense The “softer” skills will more likely than not lead you to victory Heroes don’t always start out as such (And that’s okay)