
Using Spring with Scala

Bernhard Wenzel at Spring I/O 2016

Scala is becoming a popular choice for the JVM. However, developers with a Spring/Java background might be reluctant to give up all of their familiar tools and frameworks. Some efforts have been made to allow Spring developers to use Scala, most notably, the spring-scala project on Unfortunately, it's development has ceased, leaving developers with no consistent way to integrate Spring with Scala.

In this presentation I'd like to demonstrate how to introduce Scala into an existing Java/Spring environment. After a short introduction into Scala and reasons to use it, I'm going to showcase how to use Spring with Scala by selecting a few guides from the website and translating them into Scala.

The objective of this talk is to convince the audience that developing in Scala does not necessarily mean to abandon years of Spring experience and the efficiency that comes with it. The same way that Scala works well with Java, it can also work well with Spring.