
Data Driven Observability & Incident Response

Matt Stratton, PJ Hagerty at GOTO Chicago 2019

The focus of DevOps is to streamline processes across the board. One way to produce a better experience across teams is to inject observability, leading to a proactive approach toward development and a fully visible situation when incidents occur.
With the cross over of tools like PagerDuty and Humio, it’s possible to gain knowledge of the systems you use when they are functioning smoothly, or when they aren’t and emergency response is necessary.
We’ll talk about how observability helps the DevOps process from the point of application development to deployment to ...

PJ Hagerty - Developer and Community Relations as a Service at
Matt Stratton - Host of the Arrested DevOps podcast and DevOps Evangelist at PagerDuty

Download slides and read the full abstract here:

#DevOps #humio #pagerduty #observability