
Data-Driven Engineering

Andy Cirillo at GOTO Chicago 2019

Big Data is changing nearly every aspect of our lives. As a software engineer, there’s a good chance you’re already leveraging data to help your end users do their jobs more efficiently, but have you considered how it might help you do your own job more efficiently? Faster? How about more correctly?
In this talk we will explore some of the many ways that Big Data is revolutionizing the art and science of software engineering itself. It begins by treating a release as a controlled experiment, complete with hypothesis, measurement and conclusion, so that you can use data from each release to drive the next. We will see how using data scientifically allows us to test non-functional requirements, such as usability, performance and resilience ...

Andy Cirillo - VP of Engineering at Epsilon-Conversant

Download slides and read the full abstract here:

#BigData #DataDriven #DistributedSystems