
The evolution of the Emacs tooling for Clojure

Bozhidar Batsov at Clojure/conj 2014

A session dedicated to the evolution of CIDER (the Clojure dev environment for Emacs) and all the new features that have been added since I took over the project exactly one year ago.

The talk would examine briefly the shortcomings of the old "eval-based" model we used before 0.6 and the benefits of the nREPL middleware model we currently employ. It would also showcase some of the nice new features that were introduced recently (like ClojureScript support, vastly improved Javadoc support, Java definitions lookup, exception handling, apropos, inspector, tracing, clojure.test support, etc.)

We'll wrap up with a brief glimpse into the future of CIDER.

I'm the maintainer of CIDER and the editor of the community Clojure style guide. Most people would probably describe me as an Emacs zealot (and they would be right). I'm also quite fond of the Lisp family of languages, functional programming in general and Clojure in particular.