
Clojure for Business Teams - Decomplecting Data Analysis

Ram Krishnan at Clojure/conj 2015

Currently, many of the data analytics tools for business users are either severely feature constrained in the name of ease-of-use, or are too complex as thinly wrapped abstractions atop the underlying programming languages. They don't address the needs of savvy business experts who need something more expressive than Excel without having to become software engineers.

Software professionals, on the other hand, are seeking ways to publish their algorithmic and process abstractions in a manner where they can be composed and leveraged further by their users.

Juxt builds upon ideas from past programming systems like Yahoo Pipes and Scratch, to create an interactive and graphical tool for Data Analytics and Web APIs, using Clojure as the extension language.

Applying the best practices from Functional Programming and Data Flow Programming, Juxt enables non-coders to rapidly build sophisticated data driven apps. And our APIs enable Clojure devs to easily publish their libraries as composable and reusable platform components.

In this talk, I'll present the challenges and learning from our experience using Clojure and Clojurescript to build a powerful, performant and highly UX driven app.

About the speaker: Ram Krishnan is Founder and Chief Technologist of, where he is building easy to use and expressive Big Data Analytics tools for business users.

With over 20 years experience developing software, Ram started his career working in C, Lisp, Smalltalk, Java and Erlang before discovering Clojure. He has been using Clojure professionally since 2009 and continues to be surprised and delighted by the language and community.