
Observability and the Paradox of Alerts

Charity Majors at All The Talks 2020 - DevOps

Quick — how many different paging alerts can wake up your team, from how many different systems? Many teams have far too many paging alerts for them to usefully manage today, and most teams are hurtling towards an unsustainable future. It is a paradox of scale: the bigger and more complicated your systems get, the fewer paging alerts you should have. Good news: most teams who move from a monitoring model to observability are able to delete about 90% of paging alerts, while increasing reliability from the customer’s perspective! SLOs + observability are the key to a safe, sane on call rotation that is not severely life-impacting — a rotation your senior engineers will be proud to join, not one staffed by everyone who isn't yet influential enough to get out of it. We'll tell you how to get there..

Charity Majors

Charity is a co-founder and engineer at, a startup that blends the speed of time series with the raw power of rich events to give you interactive, iterative debugging of complex systems. She has worked at companies like Facebook, Parse, and Linden Lab, as a systems engineer and engineering manager, but always seems to end up responsible for the databases too. She loves free speech, free software and a nice peaty single malt.