
Incident Analysis: How *Learning* is Different Than *Fixing*

John Allspaw at All The Talks 2020 - DevOps

What does it mean to actually ""learn"" from an incident?
This talk will describe what we can do differently in the industry on this front, based on foundational methods from Cognitive Systems Engineering, Human Factors, and Resilience Engineering.

John Allspaw
Founder and Principal, Adaptive Capacity Labs

John Allspaw has worked in software systems engineering and operations for over twenty years in many different environments. John’s publications include the books The Art of Capacity Planning (2009) and Web Operations (2010) as well as the forward to “The DevOps Handbook.” His 2009 Velocity talk with Paul Hammond, “10+ Deploys Per Day: Dev and Ops Cooperation” helped start the DevOps movement.

John served as CTO at Etsy, and holds an MSc in Human Factors and Systems Safety from Lund University.