
gRPC on Kubernetes

Mya Pitzeruse at All The Talks 2020 - Cloud native/container

Over the last few years, I’ve written and deployed many services to production using gRPC. These systems have run across different runtimes including Apache Mesos, Hashicorp Nomad, and Kubernetes. To help keep this talk focused, I will use Kubernetes for demonstration.

In this talk, I provide all the context one needs to get started. I’ll show how to deploy a service to Kubernetes. Then, I’ll set up liveness and readiness probes to ensure your service is only addressable once it’s healthy. I’ll walk through configuring several service addresses and discuss how they differ. Finally, I’ll deploy a client that uses the service addresses to perform a variety of workloads.

All code for this talk will be available on GitHub.

Mya Pitzeruse
Principal Software Engineer

Mya is a Principal Software Engineer working on service infrastructure at She's involved in many ongoing efforts to improve Indeed’s infrastructure and capabilities. Outside of her day job, she’s a mother of one and works on many open source projects. Over the last year, she's developed, a system to help projects engage with consumers. Over the years, she’s learned how to develop and manage gRPC services in production. She's proficient across Java, Golang, and TypeScript.