
Nothing Generic About It: Advanced Typescript

Matthew Gerstman at All The Talks 2020 - JavaScript

Nothing Generic About It: Advanced Typescript

Even in vanilla JavaScript we’re used to the idea of basic types. Ints, strings, booleans, objects, and arrays are all things we all learned within the first few months of writing code. But what happens when push the boundaries of JavaScript?

Generics, intersections, and unions are all crucial building blocks in building a strongly typed codebase. In this talk we’ll cover how generics work, when to use them, and some of the crazy powerful ways TypeScript lets us enforce types by embracing the power of T.

Matthew Gerstman

Matthew is a senior software engineer at Dropbox. He has worked on everything across the stack from deploying containers and databases to shipping Javascript. In recent history, Matthew has been focused on frontend tooling and founded an internal community at Dropbox called the JS Guild. When he's not writing code, Matthew enjoys Harry Potter, Taylor Swift, and Broadway shows.