
GraphQL fantastic four

Charly POLY at All The Talks 2020 - JavaScript

GraphQL is much more than an efficient way of fetching data from the client side! I want to shed light on 4 use-cases of interesting GraphQL usage along with the problems that they can help you solve.

- Using GraphQL for local application state. An example with a classic but complete TODO app using Apollo for local state management. We will see why the possibility of using Apollo as a redux alternative is worth considering.

- Generating React forms from GraphQL Schema. A practical example with an experimental library Frontier that helps creating forms by using mutations exposed by a GraphQL Schema. We’ll see, by talking about introspection and types, that GraphQL can do more than just fetching data.

- Querying a GraphQL API on server-side for data related jobs. Simply shows that GraphQL can be used on server-side too, especially when consuming a GraphQL API to “crunch” complex data schemes. We’ll see, with the Shopify GraphQL API, that GraphQL can reduce the data exchange overhead on server-side too.

- Building a GraphQL Proxy over a REST API. Another real-world example with the project spotify-graphql that helps developers fetching Spotify data more easily with some custom features enabled by GraphQL (auto pagination, parallelism, …)

GraphQL is just the beginning of a new way of querying data! If you’re curious, then come aboard and follow me for a journey to the edge of GraphQL!

Charly POLY

I am Charly POLY, Senior Software Engineer at Double, former Tech lead at Algolia.
Passionate about Web Software Engineering, from front-end to working on APIs, mostly on TypeScript, GraphQL and Ruby ecosystems. I love new web-technologies and spoke, wrote and will continue speaking and writing about it at events, on my Medium and on Honest Engineering.