
Surviving Dependency Hell with Maven

Ray Tsang, Robert Scholte at All The Talks 2020 - Java

As a developer advocate working with customers, Ray has seen all sorts of issues due to dependency conflicts. Dependency conflicts come in many different forms and have different impacts on your applications. This presentation examines common causes of a dependency conflict, how you can mitigate it as a library developer, and how end users can resolve it. It also covers what Google has been documenting in terms of best practices and what tools it has created to help, based on its learnings.

Ray Tsang
Developer Advocate, Google Cloud

Ray is a Developer Advocate for the Google Cloud Platform and a Java Champion. Ray works with engineering and product teams to improve Java developer productivity on GCP. Ray also help Alphabet companies migrate and adopt cloud native architecture. Prior to Google, Ray worked at Red Hat, Accenture, and other consulting companies. Ray focused on enterprise architecture, managed solutions delivery, and contributed to open source projects. Aside from technology, Ray enjoys traveling and adventures.

Robert Scholte
Founder and CEO of Sourcegrounds

Robert is the chairman of the Apache Maven project, is one of the most active committers and works on several other Maven related open source projects. He was a member of the expert group of JSR376, better known as Project Jigsaw. Robert did most of the implementations for the related Maven plugins to support the Java Platform Modular System. Robert is an international speaker and has his own column in every edition of the Dutch Java Magazine (NLJUG) for over 5 years.
In 2017 Robert started a new company called Sourcegrounds, based in Groningen, The Netherlands.