
Why Kotlin is my favourite example of Functional Programming?

Jayashree S Kumar at All The Talks 2020 - Java

Even though FP is existing since a long time ago, it is still new to most developers. We shall see: - Why you should give Functional programming a chance and - What, Why and How Kotlin is slowly becoming most people’s favorite example of functional Programming through functions like Lambdas; Closures; funKTionale library- Composition, Currying, Partial application; Method Chaining; Memoization.
I would like to speak about Why you should give Functional Programming a chance and How Kotlin makes the process easy?

The agenda:

- What? Kotlin, Functional Programming
- Why? Kotlin, Function Programming
- My Favourite FP concepts with Kotlin
- Conclusion

Jayashree S Kumar
Staff software Engineer at IBM's India Software Labs

An IBM-Java Classes Library developer at IBM India's Software Labs. Current efforts are focused on fixing customer reported issues and security gaps on IBM Java Runtime. In a career spanning over 9 years, I extensively worked on IBM JDK’s Testing. Likes to write up know-hows focusing on What? Why? Where? n When?s. After dabbling with writing disclosures, is Evaluator at IBM’s Cloud Invention development team. Speaker at international conferences. In free time likes to browse, when not running behind her toddler.