
A Java developer’s quest for productivity

Sebastian Daschner at All The Talks 2020 - Java

Most developer are continue doing their job as they always have. However, once in a while it makes sense to look and reflect whether we’re doing things in the most effective way.

This session shows 20 tips to Java developers on how to maximize their efficiency. We’ll have a look how to improve our IDE usage, command line experience, and automation. We see which technology enables us to developer with efficiency, and how to keep feedback loops short. Altogether, all the points cover the topic of how to become a better developer.

Sebastian Daschner
Helping developers solving the challenges of enterprise software - Java Champion, IBMer, book author

Sebastian Daschner is a Java Developer Advocate at IBM, a consultant, author, and trainer. He is the author of the book ‘Architecting Modern Java EE Applications’. Sebastian is participating in open source standardization processes such as the JCP or the Eclipse Foundation, helping forming the future standards of Enterprise Java, and collaborating on various open source projects. For his contributions in the Java community and ecosystem he was recognized as a Java Champion, Oracle Developer Champion, and JavaOne Rockstar. Besides Java, Sebastian is a heavy user of cloud native technologies and anything related to enterprise software. He evangelizes computer science practices on, his newsletter, and on Twitter via @DaschnerS. Sebastian kickstarted the JOnsen and jSpirit unconferences that connect Java developers throughout the globe. When not working with technology, he also loves to travel the world.