
OCSP Stapling in the Wild

Devdatta Akhawe, Emily Stark at AppSec California 2017

OCSP Stapling in the Wild
Devdatta Akhawe
Emily Stark

Devdatta Akhawe
Engineering Manager
Devdatta leads the Product Security team at Dropbox. Before that, he received a PhD in Computer Science from UC Berkeley. His graduate research focused on browser and web application security, during which time he also collaborated with the Firefox and Chrome teams. He is a co-author of award-winning papers on security at top academic conferences and has also spoken at Blackhat, AppSec Cali, etc. He is also a co-editor on the Sub Resource Integrity and Sub Origins specifications at the W3C. More info about him (including how to pronounce his name) is at

Emily Stark
Software Engineer
Emily Stark is a software engineer on the Google Chrome security team, where she focuses on making TLS more usable and secure. She spends lots of time analyzing field data about the HTTPS ecosystem and improving web platform features like Referrer Policy and Content Security Policy that help developers migrate their sites to HTTPS. She has also worked on the DevTools security panel and the browser plumbing that supports other security UI surfaces like the omnibox.

Previously, she was a core developer at Meteor Development Group, where she worked on web framework security and internal infrastructure, and a graduate student researching client-side cryptography in web browsers. Emily has a master's degree from MIT and a bachelor's degree from Stanford, both in computer science.