
When Bandit(s) Strike - Defend your Python Code

Travis McPeak, Will Bengtson at AppSec California 2017

When Bandit(s) Strike - Defend your Python Code
Will Bengtson
Travis McPeak

Will Bengtson
Nuna, Inc
Senior Security Program Manager
William Bengtson is an information security professional with years of experience in a variety of roles including red teaming, network security, architecture risk analysis lead, software security, exploit development, security architect lead, application developer and certification lead. Bengtson comes to Nuna as the Senior Security Program Manager from Lockheed Martin as a Core Cyber Security Lead, Cigital as a Senior Security Consultant, and Raytheon as a Cyber-Professional having studied anti-tamper, reverse engineering and exploit development (on both standard and non-standard systems). Bengtson has worked in numerous industries providing support and expertise creating a proactive stance on security within the industries.

Travis McPeak
Sr. Security Architect
San Francisco
Travis McPeak is a Sr. Security Architect for IBM Cloud. He is a core developer of the Bandit project and is actively involved with OpenStack and Cloud Foundry project security. In his spare time he loves travel, snowboarding, and quality food/beer.