
Functional web applications with Spring and Kotlin

Sébastien Deleuze at Spring I/O 2017

In this brand new talk, I will show how you can leverage Kotlin and Spring Framework 5 to build functional web applications efficiently.

I will describe gradually how you can transform your Spring Boot 1.0 Java project into a Spring Boot 2.0 Kotlin project running on top of the new WebFlux functional web framework:
- Step 1: Use Kotlin instead of Java 8
- Step 2: Upgrade to Spring Framework 5 and Spring Boot 2.0
- Step 3: Switch from Spring MVC to WebFlux and Reactive APIs
- Step 4: Use WebFlux functional API

This talk will detail the upcoming official Kotlin support introduced in Spring Framework 5 [1], and will also demonstrate a real Spring + Kotlin functional web application [2] that I built for the last 6 months for MiXiT conference.
