
Getting Thymeleaf ready for Spring 5 and Reactive

Daniel Fernández at Spring I/O 2017

Spring 5 is here and it brings a lot of awesomeness — but the star of the show is no doubt the new reactive web framework. Thymeleaf has been the server-side template engine of choice for a lot Spring users for a while now, so once the new Spring reactive infrastructure was sketched some time ago, we took up the challenge of adapting Thymeleaf to the needs of the new framework.

From adjusting code to the new APIs –that was easy– to actually making the engine respond to back-pressure requests from consumers –that definitely wasn't–, Thymeleaf had to undergo a good amount of refactoring and rethinking just before the release of Thymeleaf 3.0 last year. The result was a Java server-side template engine able to be as friendly to a reactive application environment as one would need: from normal, good-old templating operation to turning Thymeleaf into an on-the-fly generator of HTML for reactive streams/publishers of data.

This talk will offer a quite brief introduction to Thymeleaf and its features for those new to the technology, and then explain the challenges posed by the integration of Thymeleaf with Spring's reactive web framework and the approach of the project to the reactive world in general.

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