
Testing iOS Apps without Jailbreak in 2018

Wojciech Reguła at AppSec EU 2018

Penetration tests of iOS applications usually require jailbreak. On the other hand, software developers often enforce a new version of iOS to run the application. Unfortunately, as history shows, with the release of subsequent versions of the iOS system, pentesters have to wait longer and longer for a stable jailbreak. Finally, by testing iDevices, we become participants of the Russian roulette - remain with an out-of-date iOS with the hope that there won’t be an application requiring a newer version; or take the risk of updating and maybe never get the new jailbreak version? During my presentation, I will show you that it is not necessary to put iRevolver to the head and I will present the techniques of conducting the penetration tests without the need to have a jailbreak. The presentation will also include a live demo presenting the solution to the problem of access to protected application resources on the latest version of iOS.