
Fixing Mobile AppSec

Sven Schleier at AppSec USA 2018

Even though modern mobile operating systems like iOS and Android offer great APIs for secure data storage and communication, those APIs have to be used correctly in order to be effective. Data storage, inter-app communication, proper usage of cryptographic APIs and secure network communication are only some of the aspects that require careful consideration. The OWASP Mobile Security Testing Guide (MSTG) is a comprehensive manual for testing the security of mobile apps. It describes processes and techniques for verifying the requirements listed in the Mobile Application Security Verification Standard (MASVS) and provides a baseline for complete and consistent security tests.

In this talk, the final version of the MASVS and MSTG will be introduced and will discuss the many challenges we faced during development, from dealing with the diversity and fragmentation of the Android ecosystem to clarifying the role of software protections in mobile security.


Sven Schleier
Managing Principal, Vantage Point Security Pte Ltd
Sven is an application security expert with over 8 years of hands-on experience in web and mobile penetration testing, network penetration testing and source code review and is leading the penetration testing team for Vantage Point in Singapore.