
Battle Tested Application Security

Ty Sbano at AppSec USA 2018

Building Application Security programs from scratch or dropping into existing organizations with some AppSec functions can be a war zone. As practitioners are on the front lines of implementing AppSec programs, there is no one-size fits all or a magic supplier who can come in and solve all opportunities. It takes a dedicated staff to drive an effective program beyond the check the box mentality, with a critical focus on security culture.

Through the talk, I'd like to provide insight into the nuances of dealing with different environments large to small and the associated lessons learned to help drive the culture of security to truly provide defensive capabilities and empower the organization.


Ty Sbano
Head of Information Security, Periscope Data
Ty Sbano is an Information Security leader with over 12 years of experience mainly in Financial Technology organizations. Ty’s career has been focused on developing application and product security programs for LendingClub, Capital One, JPMorgan Chase, and Target.