

AppSec USA 2016

Oct 2016

33 talks

BSides Boston 2016

May 2016

20 talks

Spring I/O 2016

May 2016

35 talks

The 5th edition of Spring I/O - The leading European conference focused on the Spring Framework ecosystem.

Clojure/conj 2015

Nov 2015

28 talks

2015 ed. of Clojure/conj, the original conference for Clojure and its community. The conference is the premier place for developers from all around the world to gather and learn about what is happening with the language, in the community, and with...

AppSec USA 2015

Sep 2015

24 talks

OWASP's 12th Annual AppSecUSA Security Conference is the premier application security conference for developers and security experts. Come hear an amazing group of inspirational speakers—including Facebook's CSO, DHS's Chief Cybersecurity Official...

Clojure/conj 2014

Nov 2014

20 talks

2014 ed. of Clojure/conj, the original conference for Clojure and its community. The conference is the premier place for developers from all around the world to gather and learn about what is happening with the language, in the community, and with...

AppSec USA 2014

Sep 2014

41 talks

AppSec USA is a world-class software security conference for developers, auditors, risk managers, technologists, and entrepreneurs gathering with the world’s top practitioners to share the latest research and practices, in the high energy atmosphe...

Clojure/conj 2013

Nov 2013

21 talks

2013 ed. of Clojure/conj, the original conference for Clojure and its community. The conference is the premier place for developers from all around the world to gather and learn about what is happening with the language, in the community, and with...

AppSec USA 2013

Sep 2013

43 talks

AppSec USA is a world-class software security conference for technologists, auditors, risk managers, and entrepreneurs, gathering the world's top practitioner, to share the latest research and practices, in the high energy atmosphere of the Marrio...

Clojure/conj 2012

Nov 2012

22 talks

2012 ed. of Clojure/conj, the original conference for Clojure and its community. The conference is the premier place for developers from all around the world to gather and learn about what is happening with the language, in the community, and with...

Clojure Conj 2011

Nov 2011

23 talks

2011 ed. of Clojure/conj, the original conference for Clojure and its community. The conference is the premier place for developers from all around the world to gather and learn about what is happening with the language, in the community, and with...

Clojure Conj 2010

Oct 2010

14 talks

The first ed. of Clojure/conj, the original conference for Clojure and its community. The conference is the premier place for developers from all around the world to gather and learn about what is happening with the language, in the community, and...