
Clojure/conj 2016


WormBase database migration to Datomic on AWS: A case Study

WormBase is an online portal hosting a database on the the model organism Caenorhabditis elegans. Over the years the database has grown with regard to both size and complexity. As a result we decided to start migrating our database to a modern sys...

Adam Wright



Building composable abstractions

Do you want to create robust and composable abstractions? Conal Elliott’s Denotational Design is an iterative process to define the essence of a domain and build in composability. The resulting abstractions lead to more robust code at the core of ...

Eric Normand


Spectrum, a library for statically "typing" clojure.spec

Introducing Spectrum (, a static “typing” library that statically checks clojure code using standard clojure.spec annotations. While still early, spectrum is theoretically sound and can type-check itself. In this talk w...

Allen Rohner


Barliman: trying the halting problem backwards, blindfolded

Barliman is a prototype smart editor capable of program synthesis: given part of a program and a set of tests to pass, Barliman attempts to complete the program for you. This capability enables an interesting kind of test-driven development with p...

Greg Rosenblatt, William Byrd


Composing music with clojure.spec

Exploration of the new and shiny clojure.spec library as a tool for generating music. We will build up a spec defining how a canonical jungle tune should be composed and then use clojure.spec.gen generators to make songs and perform them live with...

Wojciech Franke


Keynote: Spec-ulation

Rich Hickey


A Peek Inside SAT Solvers

SAT (and SMT) solvers have had much success in the formal methods communities. While production solvers are large and highly engineered, the concepts that made these tools practical are easy to understand. This talk takes a peek under the hood.

Jon Smock


Using Clojure with C APIs for crypto and more

One of Clojure’s strengths is its host interop, but sometimes you really want to call some C code. Perhaps you have a legacy .so/.dll you inherited; perhaps you’re calling a video decoder or some cryptographic routines. This talk focuses on that i...


Clojure 40k locs to build the first web-based sonogram

At Audyx, we wrote over 40,000 lines of ClojureScript code to build the first web-based calibrated Sonogram. Audyx leverages the power of HTML5 Audio and ClojureScript to build a complete web platform for audiometric institutes: Hearing tests, a c...

Asher Coren


Building a powerful Double Entry Accounting system

Money is a very important thing. Specially for a fintech that operates on other people’s money. It means that all these operations need to be correct. There is no room for bugs. There is no room for money appearing or disappearing. A technique to ...

Lucas Cavalcanti


Production Rules on Databases

While often conflated with its syntax, Datalog is actually the system defining the set of semantics used by many database query languages, including SQL, SPARQL, and Datomic queries. However, Datalog also defines semantics for “Production Rules”, ...

Paula Gearon


Adventures in Understanding Documents

Computers are pretty good at reading text. They’ve not always been that great at understanding what all the text means; especially if the mountains of text are buried in arcane business and financial documents – many of which have been scanned in....

Scott Tuddenham


Overcoming the Challenges of Mentoring

Successful mentoring doesn’t just happen, it’s planned. We will discuss what mentoring is not, what mentoring is, factors for effective mentorship, and why it’s important to the developer community.

Kim Crayton


Powderkeg: teaching Clojure to Spark

While there’s no shortage of libraries that let one interact with Spark using Clojure they treat the problem as providing a more fluid experience of using Java interfaces. In doing so they overlook the REPL experience (by relying on AOT) and creat...

Igor Ges, Christophe Grand



In situ model-based learning in PAMELA

PAMELA is an open source modeling tool set implemented in Clojure that was funded by DARPA as a marriage of model-based programming and machine learning. Effective learning has been shown to result in extremely high performance results when done w...

Tom Marble, Paul Robertson


Proto REPL, a New Clojure Development and Visualization Tool

Proto REPL is a full featured Clojure development environment built within the popular open source text editor, Atom. Built on the foundations of the Chrome web browser, Atom provides an ideal platform for building a development environment becaus...

Jason Gilman


Clarifying Rules Engines with Clara Rules

Rules engines have been around for over 20 years and are primarily based around the Rete algorithm. They can be a powerful tool to have available when dealing with complex conditional logic. The Rete algorithm originally described in 1982 has evol...

Mike Rodriguez


Charting the English pure Clojure

In 2008, Collobert and Weston analyzed 2500 english words using deep neural nets. Since then, people like Joseph Turian have used technology such as t-SNE to visualize these results in a way that humans can actually comprehend (2 dimensions instea...

Alexander Mann


Programming What Cannot Be Programmed: Aesthetics and Narrative

Declarative programming has been the style of choice for implementing countless creative applications, from “Zork” to Harold Cohen’s “AARON.” We’ll explore why it helps to reason about machine creativity in this way and use Clojure’s Overtone tool...

D. Schmüdde


Juggling Patterns and Programs

The art of juggling has fascinated people since the days of ancient Egypt. In this talk, we posit that juggling theory can inform software development. We start with the mathematical insights of Claude Shannon, renowned as the father of Informatio...

Steve Miner


A Clojure DSL for defining CI/CD orchestrations at scale

At Oracle, we do things at scale: 1000 Hudson/Jenkins masters, 2000 Artifactory repositories, 100 TB of Artifacts, every conceivable OS, SCM and the list goes on. Given this backdrop, we developed Carson to integrate lifecycle events from a variet...

Rohit Kumar, Viraj Purang


re-frame your ClojureScript applications

re-frame is a ClojureScript library for writing single page applications built on top of Reagent that implements a well-defined architecture. Performant and production ready, re-frame has been gaining traction in the ClojureScript community due in...

Shaun Mahood


Becoming Omniscient with Sayid

Does your development workflow involve sprinkling defs or prints around your code? There is another way. Sayid is an omniscient debugger and profiler for Clojure. It enables you to capture, view and query every function call made within your code....

Bill Piel


Clojure at DataStax: The Long Road From Python to Clojure

This talk will detail our experience using Clojure at DataStax for our OpsCenter product. The main focus of the talk will be our desire to move from Python to Clojure and how the process is going. As part of that I’ll discuss why we decided to int...

Nick Bailey


Simplifying ETL with Clojure and Datomic

In this talk, I will explore how Clojure and Datomic can be used for ETL by converting the MusicBrainz dataset from SQL to Datomic.

Stuart Halloway
