
JSConf Iceland 2018


Beyond React 16

React 16 was released several months ago. Even though this update was largely API-compatible, the rewritten internal engine included new long-requested features and opened the door for exciting future possibilities. In this talk, Dan will share...

Dan Abramov



Code, Play & Rock 'n' Roll: A WebAudio Experiment

The speaker hits the “stage” with a guitar, playing memorable rock tunes using a web browser as an amplifier. This talk is about pushing the limits of what a web browser can do, and goes over pedalboard.js, an open source JavaScript framework for ...

Armagan Amcalar


Do the Right (to Left) Thing: Directional Content in React

In 2017, Airbnb supported 27 languages and had developed robust translation tools that made it easy to add more. We launched Croatian in May with little overhead beyond setting up the new domain and translating phrases. However, this was not true ...

Maja Wichrowska



Today: Making a browser fast, the story of Firefox Quantum

What is expected from a browser has changed over the years. From displaying a simple text pages with a few images in the 90s to a tool that displays 4K videos at 120 fps for Virtual Reality applications, browser had to evolve to keep up with the e...

Jean-Yves Perrier


Empathy as a Service: Supporting Mental Health in Tech

1 in 5 Americans are living with a mental illness such as depression, bipolar, anxiety, or ADHD. As a community, the single most damaging thing we can do is perpetuate the stigma against mental disorders. This talk will begin with an overview of k...

Nara Kasbergen


Webpack 4: The State of the Art

Webpack 4 is closely drawing near to its final release! But what does that mean to you? Join me as not only I help break down everything we’ve accomplished this year, but also look forward to what we have in store for you in the future. Join me as...

Sean Thomas Larkin


Node.js: Where are we now, where are we going?

Node.js has been around for 9 years now, so you might think we’re getting closer to holding a finished piece of software in our hands. Yet somehow, despite placing a high value on stability, it is seeing a record number of commits and new contribu...

Anna Henningsen



How to style in React and not lose friends

Aside from recent political events, I don't know of another topic sure to cause more heated debate than how you should style React components. This talk sets out to cover the main methods for styling in React (and beyond). Through code examples...

Sarrah Vesselov



Augmented Reality: Past, Present, Future

Big brands across various industries are starting to realize the potential of augmented reality (AR) for innovation in marketing and in product. But with AR's history dating back to 1968, why has it suddenly become the next big thing? This talk wi...

Raisa Cuevas


XSS, CSRF, CSP, JWT, WTF? IDK ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

Robert'); DROP TABLE Students;-- The little Bobby Tables is embodying the classical fear of SQL injections when building web applications. However, SQL injections are just one aspect of things we need to worry about when building web applicatio...

Dominik Kundel



Building a raytracing engine with JS

In this talk we will build a 3D ray tracer with Javascript. We learn about the basics of real time 3D graphics and what we need in order to produce realistic looking 3D graphics in the browser.

Madlaina Kalunder


Daedalus – Though the Maze of Code

In Greek mythology, Daedalus (Greek: Δαίδαλος "to work artfully") was a skillful craftsman and artist who created the first Labyrinth. People like him still exist and are known as creative coders and code golfers. They push the limits of what is p...

Martin Kleppe


A whirlwind introduction to TypeScript

Andy Mockler



Simplifying Complex UIs with Finite Automata & Statecharts

As the number of possible states in your app grows, developing UIs can become exponentially more complex. With the help of finite automata, or finite state machines (FSMs), you will be able to manage your app's states in a simple, robust way, and ...

David Khourshid


GitHub Pull Requests for Everyone

Reviewing a pull request can feel like a chore. If done poorly, PR reviews can mean a few hours of attempting to understand both the problem and the solution, then checking that the result matches the design. Sure, many of us have the luxury of wa...

Catherine Meade


Live and Machine Learn

The life we live online increasingly informs the way we live offline as well. Businesses live and die through algorithms like SEO, humans are sorted in government systems, and we make large, life-governing decisions through what is shown to us on ...

Sarah Drasner


Machine Learning

Creating generative art with Javascript

Can you write a program to create art? Code can create procedural content for games, but it can also create 3D printable objects, patterns for fabric, or Twitterbots that post code-created comic strips. Kate has produced all of these and more (and...

Kate Compton


VoiceHTML - Speech Recognition as a Progressive Enhancement

Around 10 years ago, we had to reinvent the web to cope with tiny, touchable screens. In many ways we had to rethink the definition of a web application. These revisions yielded powerful new features like push notifications, and (usable) offline s...

Michael Henretty


Houdini - What lies ahead

This talk aims at covering the CSS Houdini spec and its amalgamation with JavaScript. CSS Houdini is a W3C effort to define lower-level CSS APIs for developers to understand, recreate, and extend high level CSS authoring features. This talk ...

Arun Michael Dsouza



“Works for Me”

"Works for me." The words spoken to dismiss a thousand bugs. "Can't Reproduce." Issue closed. "You're getting worked up over nothing." "It was just a joke." "I worked just as hard to get here." "It didn't bother me." Problem dismissed. "Works f...

Bryan Hughes


Hacking the future

Laurens Aarnoudse


Give Apps Online Superpowers by Optimizing them for Offline

Applications that are able to operate offline require a certain level of rigor for storing state and tracking mutations. It turns out that an application built with this rigor can also provide a better online user experience, by applying and track...

Dan Gebhardt


Scaling NodeJS beyond the ordinary

We have been using Node as our primary web serving layer for the last 3 years at Flipkart, continuously adding more features, more properties and most importantly, more traffic onto it. This has led to the discovery of a lot of bottlenecks and a l...

Abhinav Rastogi



End to End Testing: The Game Has Changed

Testing our JavaScript apps has come a long way. For years we relied on Selenium Webdriver to automate browser testing from outside the browser. Now we can use tools like Cypress to interact from the same JavaScript runtime as our app, without rel...

Will Klein



Wait, you can do that with JavaScript…!?

In 98’ I made my first webpage, which leveraged JavaScript to annoy visitors with blinking text animations. In 2017 I developed a film entirely in JS, which debuted in the Tribeca Film Festival. You can do so much with the browser today: Procedura...

Opher Vishnia


Humanizing Your Documentation

It’s no secret that most people don’t read technical documentation for pleasure. Users often come to your docs when they are frustrated with your software, disappointed that they haven't been able to solve the problem on their own and generally fe...

Carolyn Stransky


The Best UX Is No UI At All

Burke Holland


Paint Splatter: The making of an interactive artwork

Colourful paint dripping all over Harpa Concert and Conference Hall's outer walls, vandalism without consequences. How we turned Harpa's giant led lit façade into an interactive collaborative artwork and what we learned. What kind of problems d...

Þórður, Halldór


Sharing is Caring: build a peer-to-peer network with WebRTC

Yes, it’s still experimental, but you can build a peer-to-peer real-time connection using WebRTC - a connection that shares audio, video, files in a fast, highly secure, decentralized manner. In this talk, we will cover how to open up a peer co...

Nicole Chung
